Vegan Starter Kit is an obvious, and often recommended, starting point for new vegans.
One of the best things to do is join your local vegan facebook group. These are invariably supportive and many have buddies who guide people starting out on their vegan journey.
There are a couple of vegan starter guide booklets by Animal Aid reproduced online.
Guide to Going Vegan I Can't Believe Its Vegan
One of the best Vegan Starter Kits is published online as a PDF (and as a paper copy) by the International Vegan Association (formerly the Boston Vegan Association).
Veganuary now has an excellent starter guide.
I recommend joining your local vegans facebook group, for example I am in the Plymouth Vegans and Cornwall Vegans.
There is a decent, albeit American, beginners food shopping guide from One Green Planet here.
There are lots of other resources on a friend's facebook page - Vegan Resources
More groups with help for transitioning and new vegans and those interested in veganism:
Vegan Buddy
Trying Vegan
Vegan Educational Group
Vegan Support Group
School of Veganism